An awesome way to be powerful in making more money

Action is the key to success.

If you are not taking regular money actions, you are missing out on a powerful way to make more money.  And as a business owner, I know that you want to make more money.

How to Get What You Want clipboard of steps and instructions as a to-do list for getting your desire or goal - dream, plan, do it

Are you sticking your head in the sand when it comes to managing your money?  If you aren’t reaching your money goals and getting the income/financial results you want, you aren’t taking powerful money actions.  So what do you do in order to do that?

  1. Determine your #1 money goal and write it down. Example:  I want to make $100,00 this year.
  2. Figure out the steps you need to take in order to reach your end result. Steps might include: I will track my income. I will pay my bills on time. I will commit to a weekly money date.
  3. Create a step-by-step plan (schedule) for each of these steps. Using what you come up with from #2, layout the exact steps you will take and then schedule them to be done. Using the examples from #2: I will track my income daily; I will pay my bills on the 10th of each month; I will have my money date every Friday at 3:00pm.

By focusing on what you want and then scheduling them to be done, it ensures that you will take action to reach your results.  Once you get into action, you get into momentum which moves you forward and has you seeing results.  Remember the saying a body in motion stays in motion?  That will be you!

Here is to your taking actions and attaining your results!  If you haven’t listened to training #4 on action of my free webinar training series, listen now.

I would love to hear your thoughts and what you plan to do for your success.  Feel free to post here or email me personally at to share.


  1. Thank you for this Kim. I am going to sit down right now and put an actionable step-by-step plan and schedule together. I think it is important to put not only goals together but a money goal as well. Besides when I think about it how else am I going to know if I am on track to make my desired income for this year right? I also believe that we can make this fiscal. So, if someone is reading this blog 3 months rom now they too can sit down and listen to your training and then make the same action plan you recommend. Thank you for sharing this and I’m off to my favourite coffee shop to get in the attracting money mood…..

    • Hi Karen, wow, you are a fast action taker! Love that. You are so right. How will you know if you reached your goals if you never write them down. It’s the same with health (anything really that is important to you). I have my clients choose a year money goal as well as a monthly money goal and they then lay out the steps they will take to reach it. I would love for you to keep me posted on your results and what changes for you because you took this empowering step.

      I also really like your statement of “to get in the attracting money mood” =)

      –Kim Ravida

  2. Kim excellent actionable plan. I use my bank software to schedule all my money goal. it also graph my progress toward y goal. I wish money management was a subject taught in school, that would help all those young adult get a better understand of money when they get a job.

    • Juan, I have said the same thing about money management being taught in school. I wasn’t great at managing my money early on and it took a lot of tears and frustration to learn how to be masterful at it. I’d have loved to have some basic understanding early in my life so I wasn’t so fearful of making money mistakes.

      –Kim Ravida

  3. This is something I should be doing, but am not. Thanks for the reminder about creating a plan! I simply need to sit down, figure out what I want and how I’m going to achieve it!

    • Hi Terry, awesome! It’s funny, I do it too. My VA is constantly asking me to put specifics on things. It’s very key. I’ll be interested to hear how your plan goes and the results you get because of it.

      –Kim Ravida