Do you have what it takes to have a winning mindset?

Were you ever told that you needed a new attitude? Sometimes you do. An attitude is your mindset. If you aren’t making the money you want in your business, you need to shift your mindset to one of unlimited opportunities for you to increase your self-worth and net worth!

Mindset is what I like to call the end all, be all. If you have the right mindset, anything is possible. If not, for the most part everything is difficult. Think about some pro athletes, often it is not their sheer talents and abilities that make them successful, but their mindset.

Do you have the mindset that it takes to win in your business? Do you have a winning mindset that no matter what, you will succeed? Did you reach your income goal from last year? What about for the month of January? If the answer is no, why not? What do you have to do or know or be in order to have that successful mindset so that you reach those financial goals? You may have gaps that are holding you back from reaching your goals.

Dollars and woman

If you have been listening to my free webinar series The 5 Key Money Areas, you may already have taken the quiz and know where your gaps are. If you haven’t taken the quiz yet, you can find it here, it’s short and it won’t take you longer than 5 minutes to do. It relates to The 5 Key Money Areas I’ve talked about this month.

Once you identify your gaps and take action to close them, you’ll be able to increase your self-worth and net worth. Doesn’t that sound like a beautiful thing!?

I’d love to hear what you think comment or email me at to share!


  1. You really have to have the right mindset in order not only have money but in everything you do in life. If you are not in a positive mindset this will affect every aspect of your life, family and career. I think you are right on the money (pun intended); take your 5 Key Money Areas Free Webinar and the test and start living the life you have already dreamed of.. thanks of this great post Kim.

    • Thanks Karen! What you share is so true. We do get what we think about. I know I’d rather think about a positive experience rather than worry over what might happen. I love your pun =)

      –Kim Ravida

  2. Mindset really is so very important. You can have all the skill and expertise in the world, but if you don’t have the right mindset, it’s all for naught. When things look like they aren’t going as well as they could be, just hang in there. Change your mind and keep it focused on turning things around.

    • Terry, I love what you said about change your mind and keep it focused on turning things around. It’s so true and it works, hard as it sometimes may be for people, it is so true!

      –Kim Ravida

  3. Mindset is all, in my world I it is the vibration you emanate. A positive mindset vibrate at a high octave so it will attack other high vibration outcome. Thanks for the great reminder.

  4. It is Juan! It’s the vibration and it’s sometimes what people can’t see that they can’t grasp, trust that it’s there and it will show up.

    –Kim Ravida