The remarkable thing about what you are telling yourself


I’m a do-er. I love to get things done. However, I’m not always as quick as I could be at getting things done.

Woman saying yah rightI am also a story teller. I make up these really far-fetching stories in my head when it comes to getting said things done. And, by the way, I’m not telling just any kind of stories, I’m telling massively untrue stories.

Stories such as:

  • It’s going to take so long to get this done.
  • I have no idea where to start.
  • It’s going to be hard.

Ever say anything like that to yourself? Well, one thing I have learned over the years is that it NEVER takes as long as you think it is going to take so those stories that I have been telling myself are lies.

You’ll note that I haven’t said I’m a liar, but I really am. When I tell myself untrue stories I am lying, lying to myself and that’s just as hurtful as lying to someone else – actually it is even worse.

So what’s going on? Well, it’s a mindset. Mindset will make or break you. Now when it comes to money I have been known to tell myself so many untrue stories. The good news now is that I know when I’m telling an untrue story and it’s what helps me be able to help my clients with heir own mindset, especially when it comes to money.

Would you like a money mindset shift? If you said yes, take this Money Breakthrough Quiz. You’ll be able to see where your gaps are and start improving your own money mindset.

I’d love it if you shared your insights here or feel free to email me privately at I’m looking forward to hearing from you.


  1. it is amazing how a mind-shift not only shifts your mind but our whole attitude about everything. You think clearly and objectively, you leave emotions behind you and you are on more of a proactive approach to your goals. It’s like you don’t want to laze around you want action to go forward. When you experience the mind-shift your friends and peers change as well you resonate at a higher frequency and begin to attract those who can help you in your goals. They are in alignment with what and how you are now thinking. This opens up the right positive energy and soon the the things, tools and people you need to reach your goals are suddenly there. Mind-shift is a wonderful thing!

    • It sure is Karen, isn’t it!? A client of mine came to one of her sessions is utter amazement saying how her peers seemed to change in front of her, but what truly happened was that she had a big shift and the resonated with it! It’s so awesome.

      –Kim Ravida

  2. Mindset, Mind-shift or conscious awareness all the same thing all bringing the same result shift in vibration and shift in energy. Since energy cannot be destroy we may thing that is not possible to make certain changes, however energy can change state and by changing our vibration we change state and attract a completely different outcome. The trick is to always change to a higher vibration.

    • I love the phrase change to a higher vibration, especially to create an outcome (or a different one than is happening), it’s the changing to a higher vibration that catches most people off guard because they aren’t sure how to do that. Simply choosing a new thought or thinking just a little bit differently can help you make that change. Thanks for sharing!

      –Kim Ravida

  3. I love the story you tell here in this post … not a lie at all, but a truth! It’s so easy for us to lie to ourselves, isn’t it. We make excuses that aren’t true just because we are afraid to tackle something. Thanks Kim!

    • Very true, Terry. Excuses are untruths and yet often we can’t see them or don’t even want to. But it is what will set us free =)

      –Kim Ravida