Recapping the importance of your relationship with money

In this blog, I’d like to share with you the importance of your relationship with money.
How Connected Are You To Your Money?
Is money an important aspect of empowering yourself? When you are not connected to money there are many challenges you face. Let’s take a look at each one a little more closely and then learn what you can do to empower yourself to be strongly connected to your money.  Click to read more…
It’s All About The Money
Mention the word money to someone and see what their reaction is. Then ask them how much they make a year and watch their reaction. Ask them if they think they are great money managers and listen closely. Money is a touchy subject.  Click to read more…
Did one of these blogs resonate with you?  If so, I’d love to hear from you. Post to one of the blogs above or email me personally at to share.

It’s all in the way of your attitude

Got Attitude?

Mindset QuoteHave you said about someone else that you didn’t like their attitude or that they had an “attitude”?

Or, what about when you were growing up?  There were times when I heard “I don’t approve of your attitude” or “You better change your attitude, young lady”. What about you? And did you even know what ‘attitude’ meant?

Back then for me it meant I better behave in a way that made someone else happy or else I might be punished. Interesting, eh?

Attitude defined

When I looked up the meaning of attitude, the dictionary told me:

Personal view of something:
  an opinion or general feeling about something

Challenging Manner:
 an arrogant or assertive manner or stance assumed as a challenge or for effect

The other thing I discovered was that attitude also means mindset! AH, exactly what I was looking for. See, your mindset will determine your outcomes. In business, your mindset has everything to do with your success (or failure). Your mindset (attitude) will either propel you forward or hold you back.

How to use your mindset/attitude for success

Think about your business right now. Is it everything you want it to be?
Are there things you have wanted to do, yet have not done? Why not? What are you thinking? What are you feeling? What are you afraid of?

Here are few questions for you to use to shift your mindset/attitude:

  • What is the outcome I want to experience?
  • What is one action I can take to get started?
  • What is the worst that can happen?

Start with those and if you’d like more questions and tips download my free e-book. You’ll also get additional steps to creating a successful business that is profitable! The e-book has a companion workbook for you as well that will help you create the business success you know that you can have!

Share your thoughts and comments on my blog or email me back personally; I love hearing from my subscribers!


It’s not enough to say you’ll stop; you actually have to do it.

In last month’s article I promised to give you several tips to break your patterns and start recognizing when is when.

We talked about knowing when is when, and though that is a great start it isn’t enough.  You have to actually say “No”.

That’s a scary thought for some people.  I know, it is for me too.  But here is the thing, if you don’t say “no” for yourself, no one else will. 

I just had a conversation with a woman I’m going to do a presentation with this fall. She said there came a time when she realized she had to decide for herself what she wanted, because giving all of her time, attention and energy to everyone else made her feel resentful, angry and sad.  She said that her life was not what she wanted it to be!  Sound familiar?

She decided to make some changes and say “no” a lot, until she felt that she had what she wanted in her life — peace, space, and happiness.  And it all started with her.  By the way she’s a mother of four and the breadwinner in her family, so before you say “I can’t do that” think again.  You most certainly can do it, but will you?

I promised that I would give you some tips and here they are:

  • Remember that “No” is a complete sentence.  You just need to say it and not offer any reasons why you are saying no.
  • Practice saying “no” out loud at least 100 times a day.  Yes, if you are someone who always says yes, saying no will be a challenge, I won’t lie to you.  However, you absolutely can change that pattern.  Practice saying no right now, just open your mouth and say no.  Now, didn’t that feel good?
  • Create a list of what you are doing and/or said you would do.  Once you create the list, take a good look at it.  How much on it is for other people and how much is for you?  If you see that most of it is for other people, here is a great place to say no.  And that means…
  • You can say no after you have said yes.  Oh the horrors!  “I just can’t!” I can hear you say.  Well, hear me say “Yes you can!”  I’ll let you work though that.  If you’d like some support, let me know because I will hold you as powerful no matter what in the fact that you can do this.

When you see that you are saying yes way too many times to too many things, stop and ask yourself “Just what am I afraid of here or what am I trying to prove?”

Remember I told you in my previous article  I’m ambitious, I like to get things done, and I like to be constantly moving forward.  Yet what I’ve done with this pattern is make myself come screeching to a halt.
I also told you that I didn’t know how I’d do with just doing one thing, and I’m happy to say that the last month has been amazing for me.  How I did it was to say NO.

Your turn!  Over the next week, say “no” 5 times and then come come back (or if you’d like to keep it private you are welcome to email me personally at and share how it made you feel.

My free e-book will give you a step by step guide to creating a successful business as well as a life! Download my free e-book now! It even has a companion workbook that you can use to get starting immediately.

Be the cause of your successes!

Would you like to have more success in your life and in your business?  Would you like to have more joy and fun?  If you said yes, I’m so happy to hear that.  One of the many quests in my life is to help others achieve their goals.  I love to inspire and support others to create a life they love — which means doing work they love, having the time they want to spend with their families, friends and of course themselves.

Yet so many women are struggling and it frustrates me.  As a business and lifestyle coach, as well as a fitness trainer/coach, I so want the people I work with to succeed.  Sometimes it seems like I want it more than they do.

Mostly I know that they do want to succeed, though it sometimes seems as if everything is stacked against them.  They have many pressures and responsibilities that they must pay attention to and take care of.  Some of them even have health conditions that can get in their way.

The one thing, though, that they never seem to see (without help that is) is that they are truly in charge of their experience on this earth.  So many feel that they are at the effect (mercy) of everything around them and don’t even realize that they are at the cause of everything.

Let me explain at little.  Women, especially, jump in to help immediately — often without taking a step back and asking questions that may help them determine if they indeed should even be jumping in.


  • You may say yes, without even being asked.  Someone merely needs to say “Oh gee, I need help with this” and bam there you are volunteering at the detriment of your own responsibilities.
  • At home, you may jump in because you think you need to be the one to do the task.  Mothers are great at doing this.  You tell the kids that they are going to start doing their own laundry and even show them how.  Then you decide it’s taking them so long and you go ahead and do their laundry anyway.  In the end you are pissed off because you always have to do everything.
  • In business, you may do your clients work for free or a reduced rate, take on more responsibility than you need to and then begin to feel resentment because your clients aren’t as grateful as you think they should be and you feel taken advantage of.

In each of the examples, you are the one who decided to “take control” but ultimately what happened was you lost control.  You gave up control when you decided to be Superwoman and fix everything, when in reality you can’t.  There’s only so much time in day, and so many days in the week.

The next time you realize you may be ‘jumping in’ even when it might not be needed or wanted – remember that you want to be the cause of your own success. If that means going to bed at a decent hour tonight or finishing up homework that takes you one step closer to your degree, that’s your decision.

Here are some questions to help you decide:

  • Is this something that I need to be doing?
  • Can someone else do this just as well? (Okay, you may have to give up perfection, but you know what I mean ;-))
  • If I do this, will I be helping me get closer to my goals or will it move me further away leading to feeling more frustration?
  • What if I just said no?

When you know that, in fact, you are responsible for YOUR satisfaction, success and happiness, you no longer have to “take control”.

So then, where do you need to perhaps let go of a behavior that is not serving you and causing you to end up being at the effect of the circumstances rather than at the cause of them?

I’d love to hear your thoughts on the matter, please post a comment or email me personally at to share.

How to Let Go of Negative Thinking

Before we talk about how we let go of crappy, negative thinking, let’s define what it is.

I Can. Positive ThinkingNegative thinking is having thoughts that don’t serve us and our highest good. They are thoughts such as “I’m not good enough, I suck, who do I think I am to be doing this” (whatever this is). They are the “I can’t… I can’t do this, I can’t do that…” thoughts. They are the excuses that we tell ourselves why we can’t do something. They are thoughts that hold us back. For some of us, the negative thoughts we have about ourselves we would never say or admit to another person.

I’d like to share with you that our thoughts create our actions (and/or our behavior) and if we are thinking negatively, how likely are we to take actions that support us or move us forward? Probably a continuous stream of negative thinking about what happened or what might happen is going on in our head. We’ve all heard someone say “I need to move on” or even “You need to move on”.

If our goal is indeed to move on and change our negative thinking, how do we do that? Here are my 7 Steps to Letting Go of Negative Thinking that will help:

  • Step 1: Pay attention to what you are saying both to yourself and out loud. Notice what is positive and what is negative and also note the feelings attached/associated with it. I used to say “I can do this!” out loud, but internally I was saying “Who do I think I am to do this?” Negative thinking is tricky; pay close attention. Once you recognize the negative thinking, move to Step 2.
  • Step 2: Create a turn-around statement. I used to constantly feel that no matter what I did, I wasn’t good enough to get to where I wanted to go in my business. What ended up happening was that I wouldn’t complete things. I created a simple turn-around statement that said “I know how to take the right amount of action to get me to where I want to go.” You don’t have to be fancy here. Just turn your negative thought into a positive thought.
  • Step 3: Write down your turn-around statement and read it throughout your day. Especially important when you notice that you are in a negatively-thinking state and getting yourself caught up in the “I can’t do this” cycle.
  • Step 4: Make an action plan of concrete steps. These are steps you will take that will lead you to your end result. In my example, first I needed to get clear about where I wanted to go in my business. At the time, I just wanted clients – so therefore I needed to lay the foundation in order to get them and then I needed to act on it.
  • Step 5: Take consistent action no matter how small. A lot of people are all or nothing. Don’t be fooled into thinking that if you can’t complete what you want to do in one sitting, there isn’t any reason to bother starting and/or doing it in the first place. By doing just 5, 10, 15 or more minutes of action a day you can easily and without struggle reach your end result.
  • Step 6: Track your progress. One of my clients decided to rate how he did with what he was trying to change. He created a chart and would rate on a scale of 1-10 how he felt he was progressing day-to-day. He did this to keep himself on target and it worked. It’s important to be consistent, daily, when trying to make changes in your life and your behavior and especially in your thinking.
  • Step 7: Understand and be okay with the fact that you will slide back. The key is to remember that there is no failure, only an opportunity to learn. I had the biggest shift in my business and life when I started to ask questions of myself like: How could I have done that better? What will I do differently next time?

See it’s a different story (and if feels better) when you ask yourself “What will I do different next time?” rather than “What did I do wrong?” Don’t berate yourself for all the things you felt you didn’t do and slide back into that negative thought pattern of “I’m not good enough.”

Remember, you ARE good enough just the way you are!

Have a thought, comment or suggestion? Please feel free to share either by sending me a personal email at or post below!