Want to get amazing results?

As a business owner, what is your number one goal for 2016?  Did you say “To make more money!”?  How did I know that?  Most business owners want exactly the same thing.  MORE money!

So then, what exactly are you going to do to make more money?  What are you willing to do or not do?  What excuses are you going to give up?  You do know that you have to do things — and in some cases stop doing thingsin order to reach your goals, right?

Did you determine your number for 2016?  What about your quarterly number?  Your monthly number, your weekly number and, yes, even your daily number?  If you do not have a specific number in mind and write it down (don’t forget that key part), how will you know if what you are doing is working?

Here is a secret: this strategy works for anything – all you need to do to make it real is get serious, specific and take actions steps.

You know what you need to be doing, right?  Well, if not, hang in there and tune in to next week’s blog.  We’ll go over that so you get crystal clear on what you need to do to hit your number and end 2016 making more money!

3 Steps to Reach Your Outcomes

footsteps in sand

In my Be Clear on Your Outcomes blog post, I talked about having a specific outcome so that you can begin implementing a plan.  Hopefully you did that.  But did you create a plan including all of the steps that you need to follow in that plan?  If you did… great!  Congratulations!  I’m happy you took the initiative.  However, if you didn’t, no worries, because that’s what we’ll talk about here.

Let’s say you have your outcome: Make more money.  Now you need to lay out your step-by-step action plan of what you will do and when you will do it.  While this part could seem really tedious, it can also be fun and exhilarating and leave you with eager anticipation of what is to come.  Ahhh, doesn’t that feel better than “Ugh, this is going to be crummy”?  I think so!

Your goal of make more money is valid, so let’s just break it down just a bit.

How much money do you want to make and by when?  This is called being specific and time oriented.  Do that first. 

Okay, next ask yourself what do you want to do in order to reach that goal?  Notice I did not say what will you do – that’s because it must be something that you want to do.  Otherwise, and trust me on this one, you won’t do it.  Do you want to do one-on-one networking?  Join a weekly networking group?  Speak and make an offer from the stage?  Do you want to cut down on some expenses (that’s a fast way to make more money) or even raise your rates?

Once you know what it is you want to do, then think about how you will do that.  Where will you go to do your networking or speaking?  What expenses will you cut back?  By how much will you raise your rates?  Will you raise your rates with your current clients or only new clients?

This is not an exclusive list of what to do, obviously, just a small insight on how creating a step-by-step action plan will help you reach your outcomes and goals faster and with less frustration.

If you are finding you can’t seem to figure it out on your own and nail this step, I’m happy to help!

Just What ARE Systems, Anyway?

Woman holding a skeleton key over white backgroundI’m sure you’ve heard other entrepreneurs talk about “systems”… but just what are systems anyway and how will they fit into your life and business?  To begin with, I love to use the Thesaurus and here are some alternative words:  organization, arrangement, structure, method, procedure, practice, usage, and approach.

My favorite words out of that bunch are procedure and approach.  Systems are a way for you to approach your business so that your procedures help you reach your goals.  With systems in place, you will build and lead a successful and profitable business.

Key systems for your life and business are time and money management.  They are crucial because if they are out of whack, it is really hard to be successful.   

What do I mean by a time management system?  Using a calendar to schedule appointments and tasks so that you know exactly when you need to do something.  A step up from that is time blocking.  Take a look at your schedule and block out several hours for important tasks.  Nothing else happens during this time.

Now on to money systems.  Remember, you want to manage it, not damage it… and in order to do that you must pay attention to it.  So often people bury their heads in the sand and ignore what is going on around them when it comes to money.  Look, in order to make it you must know where it comes from and where it goes.  Finding a great money system that works for your work style is essential to your personal and professional success.

There are many other systems you can (and should) put into place, but when you put time and money management in place up front, you are setting a solid foundation for leading a successful business.

Of course, if you want to know more… we should schedule a chat!

Want to Expand Time?

turn time backIs there a little voice in your head that seems to repeat “I don’t have enough time to get everything done” or “I wish I had more time to do other things”?  We always want and need additional time, yet if time is the one thing that is equal to all, why do other people seem to accomplish more?  Why can’t we get done what we want to in the time we have available?

Now first, I want to tell you that I struggled with time for years.  I was constantly late for everything (just ask my supervisors when I worked in corporate or my family).  I didn’t mean to be late; it just happened I never had enough time to get ready, to arrive on time, to be prepared.  Time was my enemy and we battled frequently.

I believe, as a whole, we think it takes too much time to get in shape, to live a healthy lifestyle, to work enough to support our families, or to sit down and plan for our future.  Shoot, it just takes too long to get through the grocery store once a week!  Right?

Well… no.  I have learned we actually have all the time that we need.

Here are three key lessons I want to share with you to release all the stress and overwhelm related to time.

Lesson #1:  Be clear about what you want to accomplish.  When you don’t know exactly what you want to accomplish, you can’t have a true idea about how long it will take.  However, knowing what your goal is gives you a starting point from which to plan what you need to do, assess how long it will take, and what you need to have in order to reach your goal in a timely manner.  So whether it’s to arrive on time somewhere, have more down-time or lose 10 pounds, know what you want.

Lesson #2:  Be realistic about how long a task will take.  How many times have you said something like “I’m going to quickly balance my checkbook” only to experience a string of problems that take far too long to fix?  Maybe you found a discrepancy in your accounting or realized you forgot to pay a bill.  When you are unrealistic (i.e. “quickly”) with how long something should take, time seems to shorten.  In order to expand time, you need to be practical. 

Lesson #3:  Plan your steps.  Here’s another one:  You found a great healthy recipe online and decide you are going to whip it together one evening for dinner.  When that evening arrives, however, you realize you don’t have all the ingredients on hand you thought you did.  Or by the time you dash into the kitchen and read the recipe again, you discover you were supposed to marinate something for a few hours first.  However, if you take the time to create action steps for this new recipe, you will have all the ingredients beforehand and allow the proper time to complete it.

In essence, once you take to heart the lessons I shared above, you will stop adding too much on your To Do list and putting undue pressure on yourself.   You’ll be much more at peace and find that you will have way more time than you thought.  I promise you will reach your goals and feel good about yourself again!

I’d love to hear your experiences.  As always, I invite you to write to me or feel free to share your thoughts, insights and revelations below.  You never know how they may help someone else!