I thought so. It’s time for you to take back the reins and make the decisions and choices you want and not what someone else wants.
It happens all the time, you say ‘yes’ when you really want to say ‘no’. Then you get mad. First at the person you said yes to and then at yourself. Is this fun, easy and enjoyable? Absolutely not! So, why does yes keep coming out of your mouth, when you really want to say no?
There could be many reasons, but I find that the number one reason is (hang on to yourself, its eye opening): ‘I want to be liked’. You want others to really, really like you, to see how awesome you are and so you say yes when you really mean no. You want them to like you, and see how great you are. You are afraid that if you say no, they won’t like you, won’t accept you.
This is similar to what I call ‘The Red-Nose Effect‘. Remember “Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer”? His father wanted his son to be accepted by his peers, so he hid his special (and important) nose. He said yes to make others happy. When you say yes to others, you say no to the most important person in your life…YOU! Where are you not running your show because you want others to accept and like you?