Are You Healthy And Wealthy?

Health Wealth Happiness signpostAre you thinking, “What an odd question?”  If you are, then maybe you aren’t healthy and wealthy!  As a business owner and fitness expert, I know that being healthy is really what makes the business wealthy.

How so?  Well, if we are unhealthy and feeling out of sorts, we don’t have the energy to run our business.  We are not able to effectively execute all that we need to do as a business owner.  We don’t feel like doing it, plain and simple, and then we will force ourselves to do stuff.  When we are sluggish and lethargic, everything seems to take so long.  It feels like such an effort and we never seem to get anything done… and if we do, we find we have made tons of mistakes and have to re-do things.

This is no way to live!

However, when we are healthy we have a lot of energy to run our businesses.  We go to networking events and put our best foot forward to connect with people and make follow-up coffee appointments to get to know the other person better.  We effortlessly tackle our to-do lists and we complete so much more… and we do it right the first time!  New projects excite us and everything is fun.

So you can see how being healthy leads to being wealthy.  Today I am sharing with you three of my top tips for being—and staying—healthy while running and growing your business (and if you don’t have a business, no problem, you can use these tips in living your life).  When I follow these throughout my work day, I feel great and get more done which equals better health and wealth!

  • Tip 1:  Get plenty of sleep.  Most business owners (most people for that fact) don’t get enough sleep.  Give yourself a bedtime and stick to it.  Create a routine around your bedtime so that you have plenty of time to wind down after your day.  Research shows that we need more time than we think to get the sleep our bodies require.  There is no sense jumping into bed without relaxing first because your body and your mind have no time to shift from being active to becoming (then being) inactive.
  • Tip 2:  Drink plenty of water.  Water is key to our survival.  When we are dehydrated we feel tired, sluggish and irritated.  Simply drinking enough water for your body weight is the key to keeping your energy levels up as well as staying focused on what you are doing.  Plus you’ll have breaks built in because you’ll need to get up to go to the restroom!  It’s kind of like a failsafe so that you aren’t stuck sitting at your desk or your workstation for ridiculously extended periods of time with no movement.  Get a fun water bottle or glass and note how many ounces it holds, then aim to drink as many glasses to equal at least 32 oz. if not 64.
  • Tip 3:  Take a break:  You thought I was going to say exercise.  Well yes, that is true.  BUT really what needs to happen is a break, whether it is 5 minutes or a day off.  When you work, work, work, you cannot succeed in being health and wealthy.  The reason is that our brains and bodies need periods of rest to renew and refresh.  Our thinking goes stagnant without breaks as does our bodies (that’s where the exercise comes in).

That’s it – start with those three simple tips and drop me a line on how you feel.  I’d love to compare notes or share your thoughts, insights and revelations below.  Need more help?  Contact me and we can talk about how your health can improve your wealth.

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