Ah, it’s the time of year that is supposed to be joyful. Are you joyful? If you are, please, stop reading and send me your tips.
If you aren’t, I’m going to share with you a couple ways that you can find joy.
First, decide that you want to have joy in your life. Yes, you want this!
Next, make a list of things that make you feel joy: playing with your kids, going on a date with your spouse, spending time with your pets, being with friends, exercising, reading, going to the movies. Write down everything that comes to mind (but wait until you’re done reading this).
This next one, my friends, is your ticket to having a joyful holiday season. What might it be? Take time to do those things you’ve written down! It’s really that simple!
I don’t want to hear “I don’t have the energy”. Here’s why. Energy is elusive. It is hard to describe, yet we feel it pretty much daily… minute to minute actually. If your energy is low, guess what? There isn’t a whole lot of joy happening either. If your energy is high, however, you almost can’t help feeling joyful and having fun. Yet one feeds the other! Joy feeds your energy and energy feeds your joy. So if you take time to do those things that bring you joy, the energy will come to you.
Remembering this can lead you into January feeling fresh, energized and happy.
I try to live my life with joy in it every day. Now that is not to say I’m happy every second of every day – but I try to see the joy in things. The small and the large. It makes my life rewarding and fulfilling.
I’m willing to be truthful with you; it wasn’t always this way – I was an outward optimist but an inward pessimist. I was so darn hard on myself… I was a joy-sucker! (If you have never heard that term before, I’ll be writing about that more soon.) Anyway, I couldn’t find joy in anything because there was always more to do and have and be. Boo-hoo.
Things didn’t change until I realized that my negative energy of being the joy-sucker was the cause. Once I started to raise my energy (simply seeing the small things that brought me joy), I had more peace of mind, success and yes, joy! And that to me translates into a whole lot of fun!
So stop what you are doing, get out a pen and paper (or slide our your keyboard) and write down the things that make your life joyful, make you smile and make you feel amazing – those are what will lift your energy and bring you what you want!