It Matters To Be On Top Of Money Matters For Your Wealth Success

money guyMoney, one of my favorite topics!  Yet it wasn’t always like that.  I used to ignore it because I really didn’t understand it well.  I knew I liked to save money and not spend it once it was saved… but if it wasn’t saved, well, I liked to spend it!  Kind of contradictory right?

Well, no it really isn’t.

See, once I came to understand my money archetype, I realized my pattern wasn’t abnormal.  It was actually the way I ‘did’ money.  While sometimes I did money really well, other times I did not.  And when I wasn’t doing it well, that was when I became frustrated with not being on top of my money matters.

Here is a secret—and I’m sure I already shared this with you – how you do money is how you do everything.

Think about it.  Are there other areas in your life where you maintain really well for a while, and then one day just fall off the wagon (so to speak)?  Like with weight loss; you’re really good about watching what you eat and exercising, then once you slip up suddenly it’s all downhill.  Or you get on a roll attracting clients, then one day you realize they’re not lining up anymore and you’re wondering where did they all go.

It’s kind of like a psychological twist.  We have these patterns… and we often don’t even realize we have them!  Sometimes they work for us and sometimes they work against us.  Yet, once we know what they are, it is easy to get them to work for us on a regular basis.

So, why is it important to your wealth success to be on top of money?  Well, if you pay your utilities late, how does that help you?  If you don’t know what you have in your bank account and you overdraw, how does that help you?  If you can’t pay a creditor or vendor, how does that help you?  The answer is (and you don’t need me to tell you this), it doesn’t.

If you aren’t on top of your money, you can’t effectively build and lead your business to success… can you?  No, you can’t.

However, when you do money well, you live a healthy and wealthy life of joy and success, you feel good about yourself, and because of that you find more great things will come to you.

What are you doing to get on top of your money matters?


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