What’s behind the big successes of our lives? Do you know? If you said “lots of little ones” then you are likely on the right track to your success. Whoohoo to you!
There is an awesome commercial on television that features U.S. Olympian Snowboarder Louie Vito, the current Gold Medalist of the 2013 Winter X Games Europe. It runs videos of his life from winning medals backwards to when he was very little. It ends with “Behind every big moment, there are lots of little ones.” My point, exactly.
However, when we are running our businesses we tend to think of the next big thing. The big client we sign that pays in full, selling out your latest awesome program in one day and so on. I’d like to remind you that before every big success, there are lots and lots of little ones that happen first. So all those little clients are preparing you for the big one and having any people in your first program is preparing you for the sell-out later on.
While we do not necessarily celebrate the small achievements, they are the backbone to us reaching our goals. They have to be. I have yet to meet or hear of someone who is successful who did not have any small accomplishments!
Along with those successes are some small and big struggles, too. I live by the mantra, “There Are No Mistakes.” One of my mentor’s says that no matter what happens, there are only opportunities for breakthroughs. She says: “You didn’t meet your goal, opportunity for a breakthrough.” “You didn’t get the client, opportunity for a breakthrough.” The lesson in that moment is I have the choice to look within and see what I can do differently to move forward toward my goal; I have the opportunity to do something different. And let me tell you, it’s an amazing feeling to have.
Did Louie Vito get to where he is now by not taking advantage of the little moments, both successes and struggles? Of course not! He got there by taking advantage of the opportunities along the way – the good ones and the not so good ones.
I invite you to look at everything happens in your life as opportunity to learn and grow and to mold your life into exactly what you want. Remember that you are the only one responsible for your successes and your struggles…because there are no mistakes.