A penny for your thoughts. Have you ever heard that phrase? My mom used to say that when I was little… and being quiet. Some people still ask that whenever someone they are with is being silent and reflective. Maybe they use it as a conversation starter.
Did you know that our thoughts create our destiny? Well, they do. Are you are positive or negative thinker by default? If you are a negative thinker, you more than likely see all the things that are wrong with your life. On the flip side, if you are a positive thinker you probably see all the good things.
You know all about the optimist and the pessimist thing. The glass is half full or half empty. But be that as it may, it is true you are what you think. If you think you are stupid, well then… and if you think you are smart, well then…
There’s a quote by Mahatma Gandhi, “A man is but the product of his thoughts – what he thinks, he becomes.” It’s a great example to make my point.
If you do not like where you are going in your life and would like to change it, begin with changing your thoughts. Oh, easier said than done, right? Only because you think it is. So let’s start there.
In a recent movie I watched The Iron Lady, with Merrill Streep playing Margaret Thatcher, she quotes:
“Watch your thoughts, they become words.
Watch your words, they become actions.
Watch your actions, they become habits.
Watch your habits, they become your character.
Watch your character, it becomes your destiny.”
Here are four steps to change your thoughts for good!
- Change your thoughts. Where our thoughts go, our energy flows. If you are in constant negative self-talk—telling yourself I can’t do it, I don’t have time, I don’t know what to do or there is too much to handle—that is where your energy will be. If you turn those thoughts around to positive ones—I can do this, I have plenty of time (secret: this is my #1 go-to phrase that I use myself and teach my clients – and it works!), I know exactly what to do, I can figure out what I don’t know, it’s no big deal or I can handle whatever comes my way—you shift your thoughts and subsequently shift your energy. Once you start using positive words you will begin to see that forward movement you want. There is much to be said about the power of positive thinking!
- New words lead to new action. Once you have shifted your thoughts, you will notice how easy it is to get into action. You will have the confidence to figure out what you need to do to reach your goals. You will be able to make powerful decisions and choices that support what you want in your life.
- New action leads to new habits. After you make decisions and things start moving on fast and furiously, you will no longer be negatively-focused. You will have created a healthy habit of being positive and believing you are positively-minded. These traits will move you forward on your journey to having the life you want.
- New habits lead to an empowered character… and we know where that leads! Finally, once you are in the practice of using positive self-talk, taking action quickly and forming positive habits, your character not only will be much improved, but others will notice the new you. You will be well on your way to your destiny and all that you want to have is at your fingertips!
See how just having a new thought can change your destiny? How cool is that?! Before reading this you were thinking that life was hard and you felt stuck. But now you can see how to get into the swing of things to run a profitable business and lead a fabulous life. When you change the way you think, you create a domino effect in your life. Again, I repeat, how cool is that?!
I would love for you to share one thing that you experienced by choosing to think positively, please share below!