In my last blog I shared with you The Secret Behind Big Success… are many smaller ones. This time I would like to talk about what a “setback” can do for you—yes, do FOR you.
I used to get so upset when something went wrong. I really did. I was thrown off my pace, and felt frustrated and often angry. There were so many things I started and then abandoned because they didn’t go the way I thought or wanted. Do you ever feel that way?
It was about the time I decided to do a complete shift in my career path and became a coach that I finally learned that a setback is not an end-all. It isn’t game over or give up time. Instead, it is a chance for a comeback. It was a time to review and revise; to do something different. Maybe even something that was more to my liking and would lead me to what I wanted. I found that so liberating and appealing!
So whenever you feel that you are stuck, you don’t have any choices (which by the way, you always do but that is a topic for another blog), or something isn’t going the way you want it to—take a second and a step back. Ask yourself – what kind of comeback do you want to have?
Once you know your answer, take some time to sort out your strategy. Write out a small plan and the steps you will take to get closer to reaching your goals. While an extensive plan can be useful, for this keep it simple and short; say 3-5 tasks that you can start with. I like to call it the Game Plan yet I have learned not attach myself to it! Instead, I stay fluid and keep my options open. It gives me a roadmap to follow so that I know what my comeback is going to give me.
Try it. I’d love to hear from you how you make out. From setback to comeback! It’s a fabulous experience to have and once you have it, you want more of it! And a funny thing happens… “setbacks” seem to disappear.