In response to that question, did you say “Often” or did you say “What money?” When I ask this question of my clients, I get a lot of unique answers. Some are so honest and heartfelt while others are quite sad.
One thing I’ve noticed is that most people handle money poorly. Pun intended. They have the ‘poor mentality’, which can also be known as a ‘lack mentality’. The ‘lack mentality’ basically says “I don’t have enough so why bother”. It is not a great place to be and it will not get you anywhere. You find yourself with less money than you want and perhaps less than you need. You get unexpected bills out of nowhere. You get dragged down even further because you can’t stop thinking “Where is this money going to come from?” You end up in an endless loop of trying to play catch up and never get caught up.
How you handle money is often how you handle everything in your life. So if you avoid handling your money, you probably avoid doing and/or handling things in other areas of your life. If you are late paying your bills, you probably run late for appointments. If you forget to pay your bills, you probably forget other important dates, too. See, if you are not handling your money from a place of control, authority or command… then other areas of your life aren’t being handled that way either. You give up your ability to live your life powerfully, authentically and joyfully. Yes, all from not handling your money well.
It’s an interesting concept isn’t it? That is why I brought up the subject. I know when I first realized that I wasn’t handling money from a positive, empowering point I discovered there were other areas in my life that I also wasn’t handling with confidence. Once I decided (and yes, it is a decision) to handle money from a positive, empowering place — paying my bills not only on time but early, paying myself, saving money and saying no to overspending — I suddenly had more money and it feel so great! Once I honored my money and my money habits, other areas of my life changed for the better, too. It was so cool.
Are you ready to handle your money from a place of empowerment? I hope so!
I’d like to teach you how to use your archetypes (don’t worry, I’ll explain what those are) to your advantage so you stop doing the things that sabotage your efforts to grow your money tree! If you are interested, click here for more info.