Did that get your attention? I hope so – and I hope you are asking ‘”Haunted by what?” Haunted by your money story. Your money story – we all have one – is the story that you tell yourself about why you aren’t good with money, why you feel entitled to spend money, why you believe what you believe around money. Some are good and some are not so good and others are really haunting.
What is your money story? Do you feel good about money? Do you feel powerful with it? Do you feel in control of your money? Are you happy with your money and how you handle it? Do you always have enough money to pay the bills with money left over to take vacations, buy things you like, have experiences you want?
For many, their money story isn’t a pleasant one. I’ve heard a lot of money stories. Here are a few – one woman’s mother used to hide money because she was afraid that someone would break in and steal it (even though they lived in a pretty good and safe neighborhood). She didn’t want anyone inside the family discussing money with anyone else. She would always say “This goes no further” with such a stern voice, the kids never did talk about money (or anything else for that matter) because they were afraid they would get into trouble….hmmmm
Another woman never had to ask for money; she always got what she wanted and then some. Her family was very loose with money, always spending it and enjoying it. And so that is what she did when she was old enough to earn her own living. Her money story was that money was always there for whatever she wanted, that’s what she had learned. It wasn’t until she tried to get a mortgage that she realized she was in debt up to her eyeballs and owed almost everyone tons of money – her words. See she didn’t learn how to live on what she brought in because her money story was that money was meant to be spent and enjoyed.
Two totally different money stories. The woman whose family didn’t talk about money took that to mean not to talk about money or anything else and to hide it. And the woman whose family spent freely took that to mean to spend without abandon. Both women have money issues that get in their way of living the life they want. Both women’s money stories created painful life experiences and lots of negativity and shame in their lives.
Our money story, while not necessarily a negative, can be something that is holding us back from truly prospering. So then, what is your money story and is it something you want to change? If it is, know that you can. Choose what you want your new money story to be and start living it!