Money, that is. Or are you wondering where it went? Where does the money go? Did it go out the window? Down the drain? Was it stolen? Do you know where your money goes? If you said yes – congratulations… err maybe. Do you really know where it goes? Do you track it or do you just know it goes out to pay bills?
Why am I talking about this? Because it has recently come to my attention that many people are living blindly. They have no idea how much money they bring in and worse, how much they send out.
Recently I worked with a client who realized with much dismay and discomfort that more money was going out than coming in and the reason it wasn’t noticed was because credit cards were bridging the gap, which of course caused more stress and anxiety.
Well then, there it was out in the open, she now knew exactly how much money came in and went out. This knowledge first made her sad, then afraid. See, she thought she had enough money. Yes, this knowledge was stressful and scary but once she saw it she was relieved. Every month she dreaded paying her bills and looking at her checking account because underneath everything she knew she didn’t have enough, she only ‘pretended’ to have enough. Yet a funny thing happened. After seeing the figures, she realized that she was no longer at the effect of this but could be at the cause. She could take steps to release the stress and worry and begin to have enough! It was a beautiful thing to watch and experience with her.
She had stuck her head in the sand and hoped it would go away… and it didn’t, it only got bigger. The more she ignored it the bigger it got and the more afraid she became. The day she found out exactly how much money was coming in and going out was the day everything changed. She put steps in place to change her behaviors and began really paying attention to her money situation. She is now making and saving money, paying down debt and feeling great. She knows exactly what her figures are and she knows she wants to feel empowered rather than afraid.
I’ve been writing a lot on the subject of money. It’s because it is a hot topic! The beauty of knowing where your money goes is that you now have a say in it. Money doesn’t just walk out the door – though it may feel that way. You have control over it. Here is your chance to be in control! Go for it, what do you have to lose? More money that’s all! And you have everything to gain, money especially.
I want to teach you how to use your archetypes (don’t worry, I’ll explain what those are) to your advantage so you stop doing the things that sabotage your efforts to grow your money tree! If you are interested, click here for more info.