Ok, give it to me. You thought or said to yourself “Really? Is she serious?” I know you did because I come across so many people who think that life has to be hard and things have to be difficult. They’re the ones that when something goes easy and simply, they wonder when the other shoe is going to fall.
How did we get to this place of expecting the other shoe to fall? Why do we always look for what is wrong?
Instead, why can’t we look for things that are right? Well, we can! And, in fact, that is one thing I have been asking (and in some cases challenging) my clients and pretty much anyone around me to do – look for the right and good in every situation. When we look for what is right, it is easy to find the joy.
Where in your life can you look for what is right? And please don’t say “nowhere” because there most certainly is.
Let me give you an example. A business client of mine was struggling to get clients and kept listing all the things she felt were going wrong for her. I asked her to stop being negative and look at something that was going well. Yes, at first she told me that nothing was. However, upon further contemplation she realized she just had an opportunity to meet a person who was looking for someone in her line of work. And so there was something that was right… she met a viable prospect seemingly by chance. With a new positive attitude, in the end she got that contract with this person and several others that followed!
My suggestion is that the next time you think everything is going wrong in your life… stop yourself and purposely look for what is right. Once you find what is going right and focus on it, you will move yourself from being stuck to taking action and moving forward. You’ll have a lot more success and so much less stress!