Do You Like Puzzles?

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERALife is like a jigsaw puzzle.  There are lots of pieces that show up – often as problems – and you must try to solve them one after the other, and often it feels as if there are too many pieces and too many puzzles.

Yet as Erma Bombeck said, “If life is like a bowl of cherries, what am I doing in the pits?”  Often we feel like we are in the pits and everything around us sucks.  But it’s just that old ‘poor me’ feeling that shows up and makes us all feel less than.  In reality, we are really more than we need, and we always have everything we need when we need it.

I’m talking about resiliency.  Being flexible in life makes all the difference in the world!  When you are rigid, not only do you shut yourself off from experiences but you also shut yourself off from the world… from evolution.  Adaptability makes putting the pieces of your puzzle together ever so much easier.  It allows you to see a solution where otherwise you might not have seen one.  You will perceive opportunities often before they appear.  You will be freer and happier and more joyful.  While the rest of the world is tied up in a pretzel, you will make great strides in your life.

We often think that we have no choices, when in fact there is always a choice – and by being flexible it makes it much easier to appreciate that.  Granted, not all choices will be great ones, but do not mistake the fact that while you might not like the choice, you always do have one.

True, everyone’s puzzle is unique.  We are all distinctive and special in our own right.  What is right for me is not right for someone else and vice versa.  We must each know how we want our lives to be in order to fit the pieces of our puzzle together.

Often we try to fit a piece into our puzzle then we realize that it just doesn’t fit.  And no matter what we have tried to get it to fit, forcing it just doesn’t work.  Therefore, it is perfectly acceptable and okay to say ‘no’ once you have said ‘yes’… and even the reverse is okay!  This is how we make our puzzle less challenging to solve.

So how do you complete your puzzle?  By knowing exactly what pieces fit your puzzle exactly right.

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