People-Pleasing Money Martyrs

BLOG letters on corkboardHere is a recap of my latest blogs, just in case you missed them previously!


Are you a people-pleaser?

Now, first I want to say that it isn’t a bad thing to want to please. It’s actually quite admirable and kind. The thing is, when you begin to tip the scale and please others first before yourself, you are on a slippery slope to self-destruction, unhappiness and misery. Oh, and let’s not forget resentment and then anger! Click here to finish reading…


Are you a Money Martyr?

What is a martyr? For those of you who have no idea, for our purposes here it is defined as a sufferer for a cause and a willing victim. So how does that relate to money? Well, are you settling with making less money than you want or you need to live on? Are you self-employed and are reluctant to raise your fees? Are you employed and afraid to ask for a raise or go for a promotion? Find out more by clicking this link…


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