Do you like prizes? I do! So I’m pretty sure that you do, too. Wouldn’t life be wonderful if we received a prize every single day? Guess what! We can have prizes every day. We even get to determine what the prize is.
No, I’m not crazy. What I mean is that you can determine at the beginning of every day what you want the prize to be. Let’s say you are an entrepreneur working in (and on) your business so you have a lot of things to do. Ask yourself what is one thing you could do today that would give you the biggest return on your efforts? That’s your prize! See, it’s easy.
I’ll admit that sometimes it isn’t easy determining the what. It may take some planning and possibly some critical and creative thinking. Let’s start with what you want for an outcome in your life. It can be personal or professional. I know money is a top #1 want for a lot of people – so let’s say the outcome is you want more money. That can be the big prize.
So how do you reach the big prize? Let’s look at a few things that you may have to do in order to have more money.
- Determine how much more money you want. Yes, be specific and clear. Maybe you want another $3000 a year.
- Ask yourself what is it you need to do in order to have this amount of money. You might have to start doing something (i.e. saving more) or stop doing something (i.e. eating out every day). Only you know what it is you need to do.
- Once you know what it is you need to do, you then choose to do it and from there you work toward your prize. For example, you decided to stop eating lunch out every day and instead you pack your lunch or eat at home. Your prize each day is that saved around $10 which then moves you toward your big prize, more money.
- Put a timeframe on when you want the big prize. After saving $70 a week for 52 weeks you’ve not only reached your goal of $3000, but you’ve surpassed it! Whoohoo!
That’s it! See it’s easy. First you need to determine your prize and then you go for it. The saying “Keep your eyes on the prize!” takes on a whole new meaning when you know what your prize is!