Did you know that you are the one responsible for happiness in your life? That’s right, you are. There’s only you to blame if you don’t have what you want in your life. If you want a better relationship, you need to be the one to create a better relationship. If you want a dream job, you need to be the one to create a dream job. If you want more money, you need to be the one to create more money. You may notice I’m using the word create here. That’s because you get to create what you want. It all starts with you.
What? Yes, I know that is a scary concept for some of us while for others it’s a Yahoo! and a permission-granter. See, no one can make us happy, give us joy or help us feel better about ourselves; only we can do that. And in order to do that we must know: 1) what we want and 2) how to get it. It’s all about the plan, man. Create a blueprint, a roadmap of what you will do in order to get what you want.
I’ve said it before in other articles and you’ve probably heard it elsewhere too, but if you fail to plan, you plan to fail. You operate blindly and without purpose. Purpose is key to getting what you want.
Let’s look at the 5 steps to your success. This is adapted from Mark Luterman’s 5 Secret Weapon Steps that I use with my business clients.
- Purpose – what is your purpose, what is it you want to do, what end result do you wish to have?
- Plan – from your purpose, what is it you will do in order to reach your goals? Create a well thought-out plan of action so that you know the exact actions you will take to have your purpose materialize.
- Action – rather than just waiting for things to happen, you need to go out and do things. From your plan where you created the exact actions, it’s time to take action on them to actualize results.
- Desire to Accomplish – this is your motivation for doing the actions to move you closer to your goals.
- Faith, Belief and Confidence – you must have faith in yourself, belief that you can and will accomplish your goals, and confidence to take the actions you laid out for you — no matter what — in order to reach your goals.
In the Small Business Secret Weapon process we also work with a bonus step and that is: exercise the principle of autosuggestion. This means that as you take action and complete to-dos and tasks, stuff starts to happen. You run into someone who can help you move closer to your goal, you get an unexpected but needed surprise, and so much more.
This is how you create what it is you want: a great relationship, dream job, amazing health and wealth. You get clear, you plan, you act, you stand in your own power and you start to see results. Give it a go and see what comes to you. It’s a great time to plan for what you want to realize next in your life. Right now is always the best time to plan. No waiting necessary. What is it you want? What will you do to get it? If it’s meant to be, it’s up to you!
I’d love for you to share your experience. Feel free to send me a personal email at kim@kimravida.com or post below!