Are you doing some funky, not-so-constructive things?

Going Around in Circles Words on Circle RibbonsIt’s a new year!  I’m very excited.  I am all about doing something different so that I get the results that I want.  I know that if I continue to do what I’ve always done, I’ll get what I’ve always gotten.  And while there are things that I would like to continue, there are many things that I want to change.  Some of that is in my personal life and some of that is in my business.

I’m a big fan of TV shows The Profit and The Biggest Loser – why?  These shows allow the viewers to see the personal side of the people involved.  While The Profit revolves mostly around money as the focal point and The Biggest Loser around weight, both of the shows have a very heavy dose of emotion driving the actions, decisions and behaviors.  What is fascinating to me as a coach and someone who helps others with transforming their life, is how people get themselves stuck into situations that are mind-baffling and feeling as if the weight of the world is on their shoulders (no pun intended).

On The Profit people create financial chaos for themselves and their business, and on The Biggest Loser people create unhealthy chaos for themselves and their loved ones.  The beauty of both of the shows (and yes I know there are lots of behind-the-scenes stuff that we don’t know about) is that in the end, each person has their own breakthrough or aha that gets them seeing their situation in a new light — and that is where the transformation takes place.  Emotions and feelings hold us back if we aren’t aware of them and they can hold us prisoner and make us do some really funky, not-so-constructive things.

Dolvett once said “You don’t have to be great to start but you have to start to be great.”  I had to write that down.  Now I say it to myself every day and it has helped me to get started when I’ve been stuck.  It helps me to keep taking the steps daily, weekly, monthly so I reach my goals that I set for myself both personally and professionally.  It’s both emotionally grounding and awe inspiring.  We can use our emotion to create positive, sustainable change and results.

So what do you need do to start on your road to greatness?  Lose weight, get in shape, straighten out your money madness, be better at something?  Whatever it is, just do one thing.  We all have greatness, and if you are not sure what your greatness is, click here and get my colleague, Jay Forte’s amazing book, The Greatness Zone.

May 2015 be your greatest year yet!

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