I’ve been working with an amazing group of business owners in my Prosperous Business Mastery Group Program. Each and every one has been stepping up and shining the light on themselves. One of the things that has been paramount for them is to get really clear about what they want. It’s very exciting to see what they have been creating in only a short time!
When we are unclear about our end result, it’s hard to know what to do in order to get there. Therefore, being crystal clear about what we want, why we want it, and what we will do to get it will make all the difference in the world.
Since there already has been much written about steps to take to reach our goals, I want to touch on something that most people don’t know about — or if they do, they don’t utilize well. It’s called MINDSET. In business, having a positive, can-do, will-do mindset is one of the secrets to success.
Just what is mindset? Mindset is: a state of mind, frame of mind, attitude, approach, way of thinking, outlook. And guess what? Many people have a negative mindset. A positive mindset, on the other hand, is always a work in progress.
Take a moment and think about someone who you think is successful; someone you would like to emulate. Got it? Okay, now think about their actions, their words, how they do things, what they do, what they say, how they present themselves, and how they conduct themselves. What do you notice? Do you notice someone who is confident and sure of themselves? How about joyful, peaceful, engaging, exuberant, solid? Someone with a positive mindset is all of those and more.
They especially do not make excuses, they do what they said they would do, they take chances, they get things done, they get up early and stay late, they never say “I can’t”, and they look for solutions and opportunities. They don’t allow obstacles, other people or anything to get in their way.
A great mindset can propel you forward in your life and business, while a bad mindset can make your life miserable. It’s up to you. Do you want misery or do you want success?
For some people, they generally have a good mindset but they allow things to get in the way and throw them off course. Either way, having a negative mindset or one that allows you to get thrown off course will — without a doubt — hold you back, make things more difficult for you and lead to overall unhappiness.
I really want you to master your mindset. Here are several questions to help you mind your mindset so that you experience all the success you want!
- Is it your thought? One thing I discovered about myself a long time ago was that I had thoughts that weren’t mine. Well, they were in my head but they weren’t my thoughts. I realized that I had been programmed by comments and opinions from other people. I’d hear someone say “Look at that person; they aren’t a good person.” So the next person I saw who closely resembled that person, I’d automatically think “Well, that person isn’t a good person.” But was that true? Probably not! So when you have a thought, question it, challenge it. Is it your real opinion or one of a colleague, friend or parent? Make sure you are thinking your thoughts and not someone else’s.
- Does thinking this way help me move forward? If the answer is yes, fantastic. If no, it’s time to question your thinking. If you think “I’m not good enough to do this” or “I have no business doing this” ask yourself why you think that. Nine times out of ten it’s because you might not feel confident in what you are about to do and/or you need additional info. So what is a different thought that you can have? “I am good enough and will learn how to do this” or “I know exactly why I want to do this and will absolutely make it happen.” Consciously swap your negative thoughts for positive ones.
- What am I afraid of? Often a negative mindset is driven by fear. Fear of failure, fear of being rejected, fear of losing love. (I could go on but I think you get what I’m saying.) What are you afraid of? Lots of times your mindset is directly related to that fear. I once had a client who was afraid to talk to his wife about money; he had made a few mistakes and was afraid she wouldn’t love him anymore. This negative mindset lead to much stress and anxiety… and you know what that lead to, an even more negative mindset. We walked through an exercise for this and once he realized what he was afraid of he was able to let it go.
In the end, a negative mindset is destructive! However, these tips will get you started on the road to changing your ‘stinking thinking’ for something more positive, enlightening and constructive for you.
I’d love for you to share your experience with your mindset, what you did to change it and what results you got. Feel free to send me a personal email or post below here on my blog!