Do you have a healthy relationship with money?

u.s. dollar banknote in heart shapeI’m passionate about health.  When we talk about health though, we are usually referring to our physical condition.  But health can be used for other areas of our life as well, like a healthy relationship with our spouse, children, friends, colleagues and so on.  You may very well be aware of that and even strive to have both — a healthy physical condition as well as healthy relationships.

Here’s another area to think about.  Do you have a healthy relationship with money or are you constantly feeling stress, strife and conflict around money?  Do you say:  “I don’t have enough”, “I can’t afford that”, “Money’s hard to make”?  If so, this plays havoc in your life and even double havoc if you happen to be a business owner!

I too had an unhealthy relationship with money.  I constantly felt and talked about never having enough money, having a hard time making money and how I couldn’t do things or have experiences because I didn’t have the money.  ARGH – it was not only depressing but each day in my business was a struggle!

Fortunately, I realized I was doing this to myself and feeling this way… and I knew something needed to change.  What I was doing obviously wasn’t working and I didn’t want to stay frustrated and in struggle any longer!  Also as a fitness instructor (at the time) and a coach helping people make changes in their lives, I knew it was important for me to make a big change and finally get a handle on my money!

I began paying attention to those thoughts and feelings I was having, and what I was telling myself and others about not having enough money.  And by taking small, specific actions I was able to change my harmful relationship with money to one that is healthy and life altering.

Here are a few things I learned that will help you:

  • The number one thing you must do is to value money!  It is vital to your success in having a healthy relationship with money.  If you don’t value something, you are basically saying “it’s not important”.
  • Create powerful, empowering money habits.  A few examples are to track your income daily or weekly, set up a debt repayment plan and a regular savings plan.
  • Pay your bills on time or even early.  Yes, really.

Those are just a very small sampling of what I discovered.  They worked so well that I began coaching my life and business clients to adopt healthy habits around money too.

Through my personal — and also my clients’ – experiences, I realized that what I had discovered was so amazing and life-changing that I simply had to share it with more people.  I decided to take what I know and put it into a program… and I did. It’s called Grow Your Money Tree and I just launched it this week! Check it out because it might be exactly what you’re looking for and it’s being offered with Super Early Bird Pricing!


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