Reach for the Stars!

Young woman pulling bright starsI’d love to pose a question.  What are your thoughts on being realistic?

Many times in my past I was told, “Kim, you need to be realistic.”  And so I would be.  But what did I get?  Lots of nothing.  I never stepped out of my comfort zone.  It wasn’t until I recognized I was a people pleaser that I realized those people — who I was trying to please — were actually holding me back by telling me to be realistic.

So what is realistic anyway? Realistic is defined as sensible, practical, reasonable.

But sometimes you need to not be sensible in order to soar.  Be outrageous and think really big, abandon practical, and embrace what might feel like the impossible.  You need to break from being reasonable, and to be a bit awkward, in order to grow and do new things.

See, being realistic can hold us back.  Abraham-Hicks says that being realistic can root us firmly to where we are.  I truly do not know any person who wants to absolutely, without question, stay where they are.  Everyone wants more in and for their life.

Let’s say you have a goal of being a six-figure business owner and you are currently making $10,000.  If you think “Realistically, can I be a six-figure business owner?” you can easily determine that no, you can’t.  However, if you think “OK, I’m going to go for the moon here and aim for six figures and I’ll do this, this and this to get there” then you have successfully broken free of being realistic!  You allowed yourself to step into a bigger version of yourself and what is in store for you.

Being realistic keeps us in a space where often we do not want to be.  As Jack Canfield says you have to take 100% responsibility for yourself.  So I encourage you to stop being realistic about your life and your goals and go for what you truly want.  When you do that you’ll be thinking what is the best thing that could happen?

I don’t know about you, but I sure enjoy my life more reaching for the moon!

So what do you think?  Post below on my blog or email me at to share!

Okay, I get it.  Sometimes reality does bite.  So if you are unhappy with the reality of your bank account balance and want to have more money to help you reach for the moon and the stars, my Grow Your Money Tree Program is for you.  Click here to find out more!

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