Got things to do?

Bucket with notes featuring things to do in the future with clipping path at original size

In order to get to where you want to go, you just have to get moving. If you think “I’ll do it when…” then guess what? When will never come.  Never.  Do you need to hear it again? When will never come.

You have to get moving right now! The smallest movement will begin the momentum of helping you get to where you want to go.

When I teach my group exercise class we start simply by moving: marching in place and breathing, or sometimes just taking a few breaths is all we need to get the momentum going.  Once we are in action, it’s easy to stay in action. When I coach my clients, we start by taking a moment to celebrate what action they have accomplished and then we move on to what they want to accomplish next.  Did you catch that?  We move on.  There is no standing still in life or in business! 

We get in, get going and get done.

I use this method in my own business too (of course!) especially when I’m feeling like I have to wait for the right moment.  When I catch myself stalling, I say “Just get into it, get started and get done!” It never fails me.

Even if you feel that you need to do something to educate yourself before taking action — like reading up about a foreign country before going there – then do it.  Start now! Make the time to get the learning in which will keep you motivated enough to actually take your trip.

You’ll be delighted with the results!

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