Last month my article was about reaching for the stars. This month it’s about not being afraid to run with the horses and step up your game. What do I mean by that? Well, quite honestly there are so many people who say that they want to do something, yet do absolutely nothing. Talk, talk, talk but no action.
Have you been there? Have you ever noticed a time that you talked a great game, but didn’t follow through? Sure, you have – we all have. So what makes some people a “get-up-and-go, get it done” type person and others a “Yeah, right” person? There are a lot of reasons but mostly it’s about fear… or lack thereof. Fear of many things; fear of success, fear of failure, fear of what other people might/will say (I know that one very intimately), fear of feeling like a fool… you get the picture.
Well then, how do you run with the big guns feeling confident, self-assured and full of motivation to get things done to reach your goals? It’s not as hard as you think. No, really it isn’t. I can speak from experience here that’s for sure.
For many years I wanted to make a career move and talked about it, but never did anything about it. Until finally one day I had had enough – enough of hearing my own voice talk, talk, talk. What held me back was fear of what others would say… and also fear of making mistakes and feeling stupid. One day I just said “I’m not doing this anymore” and there was no more worry about what if (the world came apart, I had no money, I didn’t have insurance). All of those things ceased to matter.
So how can you make the changes that deep down you want, yet feel too much fear about doing? First, there is a saying “Feel the fear and do it any way.” While I am not going to discount that, there is a little more to it than it sounds. Here are several tips for you:
- Imagine the best thing(s) that could happen for you because you had the courage to reach for your stars. Visualize how you will feel, what you will be doing and tap into all the great things you want for yourself, your family and your life (business too). The great news is that our minds cannot distinguish from what is real or imagined – so imagine away!
- Write out what you want on paper. Be super specific here and do not hold back. I do suggest pen and paper because there is something special that begins to happen. You really begin to tap into the feelings of what it will be like when you have your goals realized. This part is a lot of fun. Play up the ‘what if’ game and think about the amazing things that will happen for you.
- Make a decision to do one thing that will move you closer to what you imagined. Then put that into an action-able form. Being decisive is the first step to moving into action. Once you decide, then you can easily create your next steps to reaching your goals.
These will help you get started. And what happens once you get started? Yes, a body in motion stays in motion. The beauty here is that once you begin, you’ll want to continue. You’ll be in the feeling of possibility, and then opportunities will show up seemingly out of nowhere. Then you’ll be taking actions that you might not have while you were in the fear frame of mind.
Get out of your fear and get into faith: faith that you can do it and you can have what you want. Life is meant to be fun and enjoyable. Think about it, would you rather be in fear, worry and dread or be in joy, excitement and courage?
As many of my clients know, taking action leads to results, the results lead to the success, and the success leads to happiness. So my friend, by when will you sit down and go through the steps I gave you to do? Make a date with yourself by the end of the month – do it this weekend! – and lay out your next grand adventure. When you do, be sure to drop me a note at to let me know what your next action is going to be for you to reach your goals. Or if you wish to share with a larger audience, post below here on my blog!