I haven’t always been honest. Man, that was hard admit — to you and to myself. But now that the truth has been told… what do I really mean?
Well, I realized that I am someone who is so loving, caring and compassionate that I was not being of exceptional service to my clients! See, I come from a place of not wanting to hurt anyone – and so I would let my clients’ pussyfoot around and not stand in their power. Oh sure, I pushed them (I know this because they are very free in telling me “Kim, you’re pushing it!”), but there were times I let them off the hook and boy, does that make me mad at myself now.
It makes me mad because that is what they do for and to themselves already. They came to me because what they were doing wasn’t working and they needed that proverbial kick in the can… and I wasn’t doing that enough!
Once I recognized that I had been afraid of creating conflict or controversy, I decided right then and there that I wasn’t being honest with myself and with my clients and I was making a change.
What happened next is so amazing! After my clients were introduced to the “new” Coach Kim — and got over the shock of me no longer using kid gloves with them but really holding them powerful no matter what (something I learned from my own coach) — they began to see even faster results. It was inspiring! When they understood that I was no longer afraid of creating conflict or controversy, they were able to step outside of their comfort zone and really soar.
By allowing them to see what was possible for them, they got a taste of how their life could be. Instead of being fearful of “What if it doesn’t work?” they began to take actions based on those positive feelings and came from a place of “What if the results are so amazing?”
My new truths are that it’s okay to push someone out of their comfort zone and I can still do it in a loving, caring, compassionate way – hey, that’s just who I am! And it’s okay if someone gets upset with me. When I teach my group exercise classes, I often say “I don’t care if you don’t like me right now, you’ll love me when we are done and you feel great!” By embracing that philosophy in my coaching business and challenging my clients to truly be greater and wiser and more successful than they think they can be, I am absolutely standing in my honesty with and to them.
Is there a place in your life where you aren’t being honest to those you are trying to serve? I hope this helps you change your thinking. Share your story below!