I often get asked if I enjoy working by myself and my answer is a resounding YES! Then the next thing I get asked is who do I have fun with at work. Well, myself! Doesn’t everyone know how to have fun on their own?
Right now as I am writing this, I’ve put on an Amazon Prime 80s radio station and am having fun listening to Foreigner, Dire Straits and other 80s bands. I couldn’t do that when I worked in corporate.
Now, that’s not to say I didn’t have fun working with other people, I sure did, loads of it. Just recently I met with a friend whom I worked with in corporate and we were cracking up over all of our “work” shenanigans.
Many of my clients, before they began to work with me, were not having fun in their business. They were struggling, frustrated and often in tears. I’m not saying I don’t have those moments, because I do. As a matter of fact, I just had one. Then I remembered my objective: to have fun in my business. See, at the end of my corporate career, I was miserably unhappy so I vowed I would never find myself in that situation again.
So how can you have fun while running your business? Here are a few tips:
- Determine that you want fun in your business. One client said to me, “I can’t have fun in my business; I have to take it seriously.” Seriously? Fun also means amusing, enjoyable, pleasurable, and entertaining. I don’t know about you, but I’d rather be in an enjoyable place than in a somber, solemn, grave place (yes, those are other words for serious).
- Decide what fun looks like for you. Fun for everyone is different. What do you think is fun? Is it fun to come into the office and declare the queen has arrived, wear funky clothing or jewelry, and drink from a fun cup? I am always accompanied by one of my dogs and I joyfully declare the “office is open” and it cracks me up.
- Incorporate fun daily. Maybe you call a colleague and have a laugh, watch a YouTube video or read a joke. What matters is that you put fun into your daily schedule. If you’re getting to the end of your day and realize you haven’t had fun yet, jump up and dance, sing to a song, be silly. Trust me, it works (I’m bee-bopping to Ozzy’s “Crazy Train” – think that’s not fun?). What will you do?
- Remember that fun IS #1! This comes in handy on those days that you are pressing to get projects done and tasks are coming at you faster than you can imagine. Or on those days where you are overwhelmed and feeling like you want to go and get a j-o-b because this business building thing is freakin’ hard! Stop and remind yourself that Fun is #1 in your business and then go and have some – yes, right then – whenever you feel that frustration, struggle or hopelessness. When you do, you’ll not only feel instant relief but you’ll also discover how easy things come together simply by taking a moment and having fun!
Life was made to be enjoyed. Let’s face it, in business there are many things that can be depressing; not enough clients, not enough money, having to do a lot of things you don’t like or do well. I’m sure you could rattle off a quick list, but you can’t fully enjoy life if you’re not also enjoying your business.
Whether you are entertaining yourself (like I am today =) or are with others where laughter abounds, incorporating a little fun into your business day is an amazing way to create a lot of uplifting energy that will have you attracting the right kinds of people, experiences and success in no time!
If you already are making Fun #1 in your business or if you decided to incorporate it after reading this, I’d love to hear how. Be sure to drop me a note to let me know what you are doing for fun! Or if you wish to share with a larger audience, post below to my blog!