Do you see yourself as a most beautiful, intelligent and loving person? Or do you see yourself as less than those things?
I have no idea why, but a lot of people look in the mirror and think “Oh, I have wrinkles, my hair is horrible, I hate how I look, I’m not pretty” or down the path of “I’m not…” this or that. Then they go into the inner sanctum of themselves and continue to say such negative things throughout the day – I’m stupid, what a fool, I’m a loser, I can’t do this, who do I think I am, no one likes me, I’m unlovable and so on. It wears them down and keeps them down.
Where does this come from and why does it happen?
What if we were to see ourselves as who we truly are? Brilliant, gorgeous, amazing, kind, loving, worthy of love, and worthy of anything and everything we want. What if we embraced being the shining star we are… no matter what we think the outside looks like?
How great would life be?
But it doesn’t end there. I know many young people (and older people, too!) who have low self-esteem and think of themselves as losers and not worth anything. And no matter what I or anyone else tells them, they can’t aspire to be great and follow their dreams because they just don’t feel it. If they don’t feel it on their own, nothing is going to happen for them. It is really heartbreaking.
So how can we also help others feel as though they are wonderful and deserving?
What if we were kind, loving and supportive to everyone around us? What if we truly listened to others? What if we encouraged them without judgment, fear or worry so that they could go out and become exactly who they were put here to be?
What a wonderful, joyful, and highly successful world we would have!
You already may know this, but each of us are true miracles — just think about the birth process and how we come to be. Your true self is magnificent. You are unique and special in so many ways. Therefore, you are definitely a most beautiful, intelligent and loving person!
Can you think of someone you might encourage or support… or just reach out to and say “Hey, you are perfect just the way you are”? If you can, please share with them what you truly think about them. You never know, that one act could truly change the course of their life.
Do you have an experience to share? I’d love for you to share by either emailing me at or sharing here on my blog!