Are you doing what it takes to reach your income goals?

318 MTE4XzA4RkVCTUFSQ0guanBnAre you a small or solo business owner? Are you making as much money as you would like? One of the recurring themes that I keep hearing from other small business owners and entrepreneurs is that it’s so hard to bring in more income.

I actually know that this is not true, which is why I want to share with you some steps to increase your income and an assignment to make it happen:

  1. Take on a Powerful, Positive Mindset. Your mindset will make or break you. No matter what it is you are struggling with — getting new business in the door ($$$), networking, setting up appointments, etc. — your mindset is to blame. When you have a struggle on the outside, you always have struggle on the inside.
  2. Set Attainable Goals. In working with business owners like you, I notice a lot have pie-in-the-sky goals. Things like wanting to earn six figures this year. Yes, this is great goal — in fact it can be powerful — but when asked how they are going to reach that goal, they tell me they don’t know. If you only have two clients and aren’t marketing to get more, is six figures even possible?
  3. Measure Your Results. Another big mistake I see people make is that they don’t have any idea where they are in the cycle of their results. Take money for example. You say you want to make $10,000 a month. Well, how will you know that is what you made if you aren’t measuring it? Tracking your results is the only way to know if you have truly met your attainable goals and/or if you need to course-correct.

All of the above work simultaneously toward increasing your income.

Wondering exactly how to accomplish the above? I’m happy to tell you! Your assignment, if you choose to accept it, is:

  1. Set time aside to create your own empowered positive mindset. You can take a look at your business and determine how you want to show up in each aspect of it, from the actual marketing, service and/or product delivery, customer services, etc. to your role as leader, time management and so on.
  2. Write out your goals to see if they are attainable. Do a little research and write out a few ideas of how you will know when you have attained your goals. Make sure you are clear. Write out in detail things you need in order to reach these goals. These can be such as hiring a team, replacing equipment, working with a trainer or a coach to help you reach your goals.
  3. Create tracking systems so that you know exactly where you are in your cycle – the sales cycle, money cycle, the debt cycle, you get the idea. Knowing exactly where you are with your business — and what you need to do to get to where you want to be — will have you knowing the score and how to make the changes!

Your business is one that should be enjoyable, fun even and prosperous.

If your business is not enjoyable, fun and prosperous, I would like for you to join me on November 17, 2015 at 3:00pm EST for my 3 Simple Steps to Double Your Income training call. Following this free 1-hour training call, you will walk away knowing exactly how to apply 3 Simple Steps so that you have the opportunity to double your income in ways you never thought possible!

Click here for more details!

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