Lately I’ve taken notice to hearing a lot of people say, “I’ve got to let it go.” So I started to pay attention whenever this comment was made. I became aware that most people are not saying this in reference to holding on to things as I would have expected, but instead they are talking about holding on to the past.
Think about it, how often do you spend time with your family and friends talking about what happened in the past? You talk about when you were growing up or in college or back when so-and-so did such-and-such.
Quite a bit, right?
Does that surprise you? It did me! I realized wow, when I get together with certain people all we do is talk about the past – and it’s not usually in a positive frame either. Well, that made me take pause and, honestly, it kind of horrified me. You see, if we are constantly in the past, how can we possibly be in the present?
No wonder we all have a lot of stress! I love one of Oprah’s quotes, “Every ending brings with it a brand new beginning.” Yet we tend to hold on to the past like there is no tomorrow. And you know what? If you are spending your time in the past, you truly cannot even begin to create a tomorrow… let alone your future.
Just like, if you aren’t exactly where you want to be, instead of dwelling on the negatives, think about the positives. It’s as simple as that.
When one of my family members had a sick baby, she would say “In time this too shall pass.” It became a mantra of sorts and it’s absolutely true. In time, no matter what it is happening — good, bad or indifferent — it will pass.
Take a moment right now and set your sights on your future. Think about how your life could be different. See yourself in that place, that life, you want to have. Feel how your life would be better.
You can’t have any of that if you talk about the past or dwell on the negatives. Like attracts like.
I can tell you without a shadow of doubt (and believe me, I used to spend a lot of my life in doubt), that simply by putting your attention onto what you do want, not only will you get it, you’ll get so much more. Again, like attracts like.
Try it! Then let me know how well it works for you.
Do you have an experience to share? Post comments below or email me directly.