How you could be falling short.

It’s exciting, you decided to start your own business!  You set yourself up as a business entity, opened a business checking account and are ready to make sales.  You should be jumping up and down and doing the happy dance, but you are not.  It wasn’t supposed to be like this, you think, you even have moments of despair and thoughts of having to get a j-o-b. You may even have told your spouse if you don’t make the money you want, you will get a job even though that is the last thing you really want to do.  You really want this business venture to succeed!

When you put a limit on things, it’s almost as if you are drying up the well, so to speak, or putting a stopper on the flow.  When you make comments like, “I’ll give this until December” or “I’ll see where I am in six months.”  It’s as if you don’t expect yourself to be successful.  In order to have your business succeed, a few things have to happen.

[Tweet “Belief in Self. You need to believe that you will succeed no matter what.”]

  • Belief in Self. You need to believe that you will succeed no matter what. Believe you have the intelligence, know-how and determination that no matter what you will make your business successful.
  • Positive Mindset. Along with your conviction in yourself to succeed, a positive mindset will keep you motivated to do the things that you need to in order to succeed in business.
  • Measurable Goals. Instead of saying “I’ll give it six months”, set measurable goals that equal results. Write out “I will have x number of clients by month six” and list out the steps you will take to get there.

I’ve worked with a lot of women who in the beginning of running their businesses (their dreams) let themselves get caught up in the “I can’t do this” syndrome. Yet once they began to believe in themselves, thought positively and set solid, do-able measurable goals they created six-figure businesses almost effortlessly!

[Tweet “Creating a business that you love; is satisfying and profitable is within your reach, you only need to believe! “]

Creating a business that you love; is satisfying and profitable is within your reach, you only need to believe! I believe in you, what is it going to take for you to believe in you?

I’d love for you to create an OPTIMAL Business for yourself, please take the OPTIMAL business assessment to see where you can set some solid measurable goals for yourself!

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