In business, as a solo or small business owner it’s hard to know what to do first. There are so many things to do, how do you know where to start?
Do you spend time finding clients or putting your ducks in a row? Do you go out to networking events or build your website first? It’s truly a quandary for some business owners.
[Tweet “It’s enough of a challenge to know what to do first in your business, never mind the how. “]
Then, of course, there is the dilemma of the how to do it once you finally figure out what to do. Business owners sometimes forget about that.
Being in that uncertain space creates a lot of stress, frustration and overwhelm, not to mention all those fears that show up. It can cause you to come to a screeching halt in your business.
One amazing way I know to combat those problems is to be a part of a Mastermind. You get access to others who can assist you out of that place I call “no-man’s-land” (well, in many cases it’s “no woman’s-land”) and into the place of knowing exactly what to do first. This puts you into action, which leads to getting results, which leads to feeling really great about yourself.
[Tweet “A Mastermind is a group of biz owners who support each other in all aspects of their businesses. “]
A Mastermind is a collective brain. It’s a group of like-minded business owners who support each other in all aspects of their business. It is usually run by a coach, who has similar business experience, to help the members through trainings, laser coaching and facilitating the group.
I believe a Mastermind is a key component in any business. Comprised of individuals who are not directly related to your business, they hear and see things differently and therefore can offer a new perspective. In addition, mastermind members are available to support you when you run into areas in which you need help.
In a recent Mastermind that I run, one of the business owners was struggling with making a decision. When she brought this to the group, another member spoke up and said “It sounds like you aren’t really on board with this idea” and that allowed the struggling member to truly see what she already knew… but was ignoring. It gave her the confidence to make the decision to say ‘no’ in quick time and move on to something else she would be on board with.
Afterward, she told me that without the support from the group, too much time and money would have been spent trying to figure out what to do.
If you are interested in joining a Mastermind, there are still spots available in my 2016 Prosperous Business Mastery Group. Click here to learn more or simply email me and I’ll be happy to talk with you about how being a part in the Mastermind can benefit you.