What is one thing that can turn a good thing into a bad thing? Too much of a good thing! Does that sound like a riddle? Well, it can be for lots of business owners. What I mean is that oftentimes, instead of being short and to the point, many business owners overcomplicate what they do and what they say.
It’s easy to make simple things confusing. Think about what you might consider is effectively communicating, when really what’s happening is over communicating — and no one is hearing, much less listening (two different things), to what is being said.
How we do things in one area of our lives, we tend to do in other areas too. Think about areas (business or personal) where you aren’t 100% happy with the results you are getting.
Ask yourself, “Am I making this more complicated than it needs to be?” More than likely, if you aren’t getting the desired results you want, you are.
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After you see that you are making things complicated, it’s time to make them simple.
The next time you notice yourself struggling with something because you’re making it more difficult than you should – simply stop and take a step back. Ask yourself “What can I do to make this go smoother and easier so that I get what I want?” Once you have your answer, do it and watch what happens!