A simplistic way to create your victory

One of my favorite days of the week is Sunday. It is the one day that I do not work, no matter what.  I love hanging out reading, watching tv (especially if it’s a sporting event) and relaxing.

Today is the DaytoMike Murdockna 500. I’m not a big race fan but I am fascinated about how big NASCAR is and I enjoy watching the beginning of each race because there is so much that goes into one,  the big one as they call this race.

Talk about having a structure, each week is pretty much the same but different venues, the drivers and their teams have very specific actions that they follow, their routines on race day rarely vary. I guess I like it because while I would tell you that I hate routines, I do realize the value of them and when I follow my own routines for my life and my work, everything is rosy and I like that.

What are some structures and routines you use to be successful in your life and in your business?

I would love to hear them. Either comment here on my blog or email me privately at kim@kimravida.com.

[Tweet “The secret of your future is hidden in your daily routine. — Mike Murdock”]

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