Be honest here. Are you allowing your past to run your present?
You may say no, nope, not at all. Great and let me ask you, have you ever said “that didn’t work well, so I’m not going to do that again”? Or what about “I already did that, it didn’t work for me”?
Well if you have then you are allowing your past experience to impact your present day results. I’ll give you an example. A client of mine wanted so badly to increase her income. She told me she would do anything in order to do so. You probably know what is coming, right? Well, she didn’t want to do this and she didn’t want to do that.
When I would ask her why her response was that she had done that before and it didn’t work. That’s very valid, I’m not discounting that. However, the problem was that she wasn’t open to analyzing why it didn’t work. That left her unable to learn from her efforts. Notice I did not say “mistakes”. I believe there are no mistakes, only learning opportunities. The inability to learn from her efforts kept her firmly rooted in the past.
[Tweet “There are no mistakes, only opportunities to learn.”]
In order to move forward, it is important to look at what didn’t or isn’t working in order to do what will work. When you are stuck in the past because of disappointment, fear or limiting beliefs you compromise your future.
In business, I like to look at ROE – Return On Everything, something I learned from Sandy Carter of IBM. And in looking at ROE knowing what didn’t work and why is just as valuable as knowing what will work.
In order to increase your income, you must know first the 5 Key Money Areas, what holds you back from moving forward and having the courage to do both. Because once you know that the past has no power over your present moment, you are free to make decisions that will bring you to where you want to be and having the results you want to have.
[Tweet “”The Past Has No Power Over Your Present Moment” — Eckhart Tolle”]
When it comes to increasing your income, being in the past and in fear can have a direct impact on your results. If you would like to increase your income my free webinar training series the 5 Key Money Areas will help you do that. Below you will find the links to the first two trainings and make sure you follow me on Facebook and Twitter to get access to each subsequent training sessions (there are a total of 6 short trainings).
Training 1: 5 Key Money Areas
Training 2: Forgiveness
I’d love to hear your comments on this post, the trainings or anything you would like to share. You can also email me personally at if you’d like to keep your comments private. I look forward to hearing from you.