I’m obsessed with money. Are you? Well maybe obsessed is too strong a word. I’ll go with passionate. Sounds better doesn’t it?
You may be thinking I can’t believe she just admitted that. Well, guess what? If you aren’t obsessed with money or even preoccupied or fixated on it then you are uninterested in it and as a business owner/entrepreneur that is not a good thing.
See lots of men and women struggle with their relationship with money. Lots of people have a love/hate relationship with it and it causes them to struggle. You probably have never thought about having a relationship with your money. You aren’t alone.
But here is the thing, if you don’t have a relationship with money, how can you improve it? You can’t. In order to improve and keep your human relationships strong you have to work at them because they don’t just happen on their own. Money is the same way; you have to work at it.
You may be thinking ok, but I don’t even know where to begin. Tomorrow I am unveiling a free webinar training series that will help you to create a solid relationship with money. It is a series of 6 short (10 minutes or less) webinars. All you have to do is click the link to access the training, listen and take the action I am offering.
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So make sure you check back tomorrow to read my blog and get your access to the 5 Key Money Areas so that you can create a solid relationship with your money.
In the meantime, feel free to share your money story with me here or if you’d like it to be private email me directly at kim@kimravida.com