Are you sensational at making something successful?

Well it’s Saturday.  And it’s also Day 20 meaning Blog 20! I’m just going to take a moment and tell you (myself really) how proud I am of me.

Yay me! Yup, I said it, I am proud of me. I have been consistent with my blogging and I have been consistent with my theme this month of more money because I know I want more and I know so do you.

Yay me

  • Have you ever done something that you are proud of?
  • Was it something that you were maybe hesitant to do in the first place but then so glad you did it?
  • What were the feelings you experienced?
  • What happened to you because you did what it was you were hesitant to do?

I say this all the time, you may even have heard me say it here, it’s because we have the courage/determination/drive to take on something that we are less than certain of that we find the glory.

So please share your glory stories (you can also share the gory stories =), I’d love to hear them and I know my readers would as well. And as always, if you’d like to keep them private, email me personally at

While you are at it, pat yourself on the back for creating an opportunity!

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