I was watching an episode of Brain Games and the scientist said that “everything you do changes your brain for good.” That’s a fascinating statement – so why then does it feel like it takes forever to 1) make a change and 2) see a change?
I have my own thoughts on this such as we have habits and patterns as well as mindsets that can keep us repeating the same things over and over again.
Let’s take a look at saving money. Do you feel like it takes a split second to spend it yet forever to save it? Do you think “why bother saving money because it takes forever for it to grow”? If you do then no wonder nothing is changing.
Our mindset can make or break us and if we are in a why bother frame of mind, we are in a holding pattern, therefore there is no change because you aren’t doing anything. In order for our brain to change, we have to do something, not just anything though, it has to be something different from what we have been doing to see the changes.
[Tweet “Henry Ford said: If we do what we have always done, we’ll get what we always have gotten. “]
So then, what will you do differently that will foster that change you want? Please share here or email me privately at kim@kimravida.com