It is truly up to you!

The good news it is truly up to you.  The bad news, it’s truly up to you.

That means there is no one to blame, no one.  It is all truly up to you.  I like that actually.  As a recovering people pleaser I like to know that my success in my life and in my business is up to me.  I have the say, I can have it my way.  If you have been participating in my free webinar training series the 5 Key Money Areas recently you already know that you can have things your way.

The trouble is, it is easy to get comfortable where you are but you know what, the excitement, growth and yes success is truly outside that comfort zone.All progress takes place outside the comfort zone


How do you know you are in your comfort zone?

  1. You have trouble creating new ideas.
  2. You can’t seem to create momentum.
  3. You aren’t signing up new clients.
  4. You haven’t increased your income.
  5. You just don’t seem to be energized to get things done.

If you found yourself shaking your head yes to one or more of these, it’s time to shake things up and get things moving!

Here is a great quote that supports stepping outside your comfort zone.

[Tweet “”All Progress Takes Place Outside the Comfort Zone.” — Michael John Bobak”]

In the event that you are just hearing about my free webinar training series the 5 Key Money Areas you can access the first two trainings below.  Make sure to follow me on Facebook and Twitter to be able to access each subsequent training session as they they are released.

Training 1:  5 Key Money Areas

Training 2:  Forgiveness

Share with me your thoughts and/or ways that you have moved yourself out of your comfort zone here or feel free to email personally at  Looking forward to hearing what you have to say.

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