It’s all good

It’s all good.  I love that statement.  The other day I saw an image post on Facebook that said to not think of the glass as half full or half empty but that it’s refillable!  Man, that hit me.  I had an immediate shift in my thinking and each day now I think ‘it’s refillable’ – I define my “it’s” as anything I choose.

If something isn’t going the way I want, I can stop and refill and not have to go down the dark path of thinking negative thoughts.  I love that I can change my thinking immediately.

What about you?  Are you a glass half full or half empty person?  Would a change in your thinking help you with your goals?  As a business owner, it’s easy to get caught up in limiting beliefs and ways of doing things that aren’t supportive.  Geez just watch an episode of The Profit on CNBC and you’ll know what I mean.

I’d love to hear your thoughts on the matter of half full, half empty and the new one, refillable.  Feel free to comment here or send me a private email at

One thing I can always count on are my pets to keep me in the moment and having fun.  Yesterday I shared with you my Bernese Mountain Dog Baloo. Here is “the brother”, Razz enjoying his time in the snow!

Razz snow

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