It’s never as hard as we make it out to be

In yesterday’s post, The remarkable thing about what you are telling yourself I shared with you how we become story tellers and make things out to be harder than they truly are.

Today I have a real life example to share with you. Last year a beloved uncle died and an out-of-state cousin asked if he had any hats and if no one else in the family wanted them he’d like to have them. Well all I had to do is send him the hats. Simple enough, yes? You would think so.

However, in my mind it was a different story. See I had made up a story about what a pain it was going to be to send the hats. I’d have to find the right size box, find packing materials, get the hats in the box and then take the box to UPS. Sheesh, that was a lot of hard work my mind was telling me.

[Tweet “It’s the way we think about things that get in the way of getting them done.”]

That was until a client of mine (it’s isn’t always me teaching my clients, sometimes they teach me =) told me a story about a friend who said that she wasn’t good at sending things to other people; to which my client said to her “it’s not that hard, just go to UPS and they’ll pack it for you”.

My “hat” story changed that day when my client told me this and so off I went to UPS and said to the guy behind the counter, Steve was his name, I need some direction here, I want to send these hats do I just pick out a box and he simply said “no just put everything on the counter and you are all set.”

Quote - Mark Twain

I thought, WHOA, just like that? This couldn’t be this easy, the story I had going was it was going to be hard and viola just like that less than 5 minutes later (well, almost a year and 5 minutes later) my cousin’s package was on it’s way! And I felt an amazing sense of relief at having accomplished this task after so much time.

The lesson I learned for myself and that I’m sharing with you is that things are never as hard as we make them out to be. So the next time you think “this is going to be a pain, too hard, or take too long”, think about my hat story and how it took just 5 minutes and it was done.

I know I’m not the only one with a story such as this, please feel free to share, I’d love to hear. Or if you would rather keep it private, email me personally at

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