This time last year where I live we had so much snow we could barely see over the snow banks and just try driving down the street! Our two way streets were turned into one way streets with all the snow fall we had.
I have a Bernese Mountain Dog (Baloo) and he was in his glory, us humans were not! At first it’s nice but then it gets old, tromping around in the snow, slush, cold and freezing temperatures got old very quickly.
Today as I sit here writing this it’s a cold 35, sunny with bare streets and lots of brown grass but I’m not complaining. Baloo might be but I’m not. It got me thinking about what a difference a year makes and that got me thinking, what a difference a day makes for that fact. So if you aren’t happy with where you are right now, just know that tomorrow is another day, a different day and you have the opportunity for it to be different!
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The question is what will you do to make it different? Let me know! Email me at to share or comment here.