What fear of being poor really showed me

It’s a funny thing this money business (sometimes feels like monkey business), how is your money story supporting or destroying you?

Did you even realize you had one? You do! Mine was to hide my money (and sometimes it still is). I would hide it so that I’d have it. Even my close friends knew that I had a secret $20.00 hidden in my wallet. I called it my fail-safe but what it really was (only I didn’t know it then) was my fear of being poor.

See if I had the $20.00 then I wasn’t poor. BUT I couldn’t just have it in my wallet or I’d risk spending it if I saw it (oh the horrors) so I had to hide it. You are probably thinking “isn’t money there to spend” and you would be correct.

Holding Dollarsonto money like I was doing was only perpetuating my fear of not having enough. I was afraid to spend it because I was afraid it wouldn’t come back. I was in a lack mentality, a fear mentality and that mentality is a negative mentality.

This month I’ve been talking a lot about money, I even did a free webinar training series called The 5 Key Money Areas to help others who struggle with money be able to see where their gaps are so that they can let go and prosper.

Once I realized my negative mindset, I was able to free myself from the lack feelings and the fears. You will too. Listen to the free trainings, they are short, 10 minutes each and take one small action toward creating that prosperously positive mindset, you won’t be sorry that you did!

Want to share your story here? I’d love that, or feel free to email me privately at kim@kimravida.com

[Tweet “Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you’ll start having positive results. Willie Nelson”]


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