What will make you awesome in your business?

AZI spent last week in Tuscon, AZ where it was warm. I love the heat and being from New England where it is quite cold this time of year it was a welcome break. I was there to attend a training workshop. It was fun to get out of my office and to be with other like-minded business owners.

I always come home feeling refreshed and ready to get started. When I travel for business I always set an intention for what I want to get out of the trip and what one thing I want to change when I return.

One of my intentions for this trip was to spend time with the high earners because I want to up-level my business and in order to do that I need to up-level myself. Business is about making money and in order to do that I need to continuously make changes to myself and how I do things.

Being with other successful business owner gives me the space to think bigger and think differently as well as to renew what I desire in my business.  I learn by being there and I come back to my office energized and ready to take my business to the next level. It is always exciting to come back and get started on the next phase of my business.

[Tweet “”The Starting Point Of All Achievement Is Desire” –Napoleon Hill”]

What about you? What will make you awesome in your business?

Please share or feel free to email me personally at kim@kimravida.com. I am excited to hear what you have to say.

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