It’s official! It’s February and I went and did it. I signed up for the Blog A Day Challenge.
I must admit, I’m a little tense about it. It’s not my first time blogging, I blog regularly. What is new is that I’ll be doing it every day.

Until today I was blogging about several times a month or even weekly (and I thought that was a stretch). I’m up for the challenge though because I’m ready to take myself and my business to the next level and I know that I can’t do that unless I’m willing to step outside my comfort zone. As someone who regularly asks others to step outside their comfort zone, I need to be prepared and willing to do the same myself.
What’s going to be different here is that I’m doing this all on my own. I usually have my assistant read through and proofread my blogs to make sure I don’t make any typos and that I make sense. This challenge is going to be all me. So I might make a few mistakes or have a snafu (or two) happen and that is what is really the crux of it all and why I’m tense about this challenge. I mean come on, it might not be perfect.
AND I’m going to do it anyway. I’m willing to step outside my comfort zone and show up in the world to grow and to show others that it doesn’t have to be perfect (you can also read that to say I don’t have to be perfect =). I can do it. I’m really looking forward to it and where this experience takes me.
If you resonate with this, let me know what your fear point is that you would like to overcome. You can reply to this blog or email privately at
Would you like to participate in the Blog A Day Challenge? If so, sign up here: we can do it together!