You are the key

Happy Saturday!

Yesterday in the northeast we got a bit of snow.  Now I’m not a big fan of it but my Bernese Mountain Dog Baloo sure is!

Baloo hanging out in the snow

You can see he just makes himself at home in it.  So while I’m not a big fan, when you have a snow dog, you can’t help but go out in it.  So today we’ll go tromping about in the woods so he can have a blast and be out in the weather he was made for.  It’s pretty awesome, he even has a coat that practically dries off the second he shakes.  I like to say he’s a self-cleaning dog.

I hope that you have planned time off this weekend to relax and to just be.  So often my clients find themselves rushing around all weekend and back to work on Monday feeling frazzled and wishing for time off.  You know, you have to be the one to take it off.  No one is going to just give you time off.  It is up to you.

It’s like the 5 Key Money Areas that I have been sharing with you.  You truly are the key to them and the success of them and ultimately the success of yourself.  The first training was an overview of the 5 Key Money Areas and the second training was about Forgiveness.  I’m sure forgiveness wasn’t high on your list of actions to take to make money but hopefully after you listened you had a new perspective.

In the event you haven’t listened yet, I am including the links to the trainings so you can listen to them.  I kept them very short in order that you’d be able to listen and walk away with something new to think about.  There is also a quick action step in each if you so choose to do so.

Training 1:  5 Key Money Areas

Training 2:  Forgiveness

When you have listened to them, pop back to share your thoughts or feel free to email me directly at  I’d enjoy hearing your thoughts on the subject.


  1. No snow here … it’s bright and shiny. a bit chilly, but still bright and shiny. I agree about YOU being the one who has to give yourself the time off. I know I need to unplug more often, just need to do it. Thanks for the reminder – even thought that may not have been the intent of your post 😉

  2. Kim Ravida says

    Hi Terry, I like bright and shiny when it comes to the weather =)

    I like that you are taking a reminder from my post, no matter for what! One thing I have learned about myself (after much ado) is that I too need a lot of time to unplug. It’s important that we know what it is we need, then give it to ourselves.


  3. Terry, I kike the contrast, having snow give you a better appreciation of the bright and sunny.

  4. Susan Carabello says

    Love this. I can totally relate as I am tightfisted with my money and I am working so hard to change that behavior,

    • Kim Ravida says

      Susan, it’s not necessarily a bad behavior unless you are causing yourself a lot of stress. It sounds like you are the Accumulator money archetype and Accumulators are great at saving and creating financial security and independence but they can also be great at creating a lot of stress because they don’t like to spend money =)

      Keep me posted to what changes you make and how they help you. Also, stay tuned, I have more coming that will help you =)


  5. Nice and warm here is AZ. It is so true that we have to take time out for ourselves to play. When we spend time doing what we love it energizes us and allows for universal alignment. It also tells the Universe we are worthy of more prosperity and health. Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.~George Bernard Shaw