Are you a vacation-taker?

A vacation-taker is someone who takes a vacation. Is that you?

I never was.  Most of my early working years was spent well, working. Why would I want to go on vacation?

Good thing I know better now. I didn’t grow up with my family going on vacations so I didn’t know any better. We always stayed home. My dad taught elementary school so he was off the whole summer. There was a few trips here and there but nothing major.

I just saw an interesting infographic on stats and facts about vacation travel from 2015 and couldn’t agree more with their facts.

Quote - The time to relax is when you don't have time for it. Sydney J. Harris

Vacations allow us to unwind, recharge and best of all have a fresh perspective on our lives when we return. Yet many solopreneurs and small business owners forgo taking any time off from their business let alone vacation. It’s an interesting mindset to say the least and one that will not have you coming out ahead.

No, more work is not what you need to create business success. You truly need to put the smart phone/laptop/electronics down and step away from the business in order to create business success.

[Tweet “In order to create business success you sometimes you need to step away from the business. “]I could write so much more here but I’ll end with if you haven’t taken time off in the last year, it is time for you to do so. In order for you to optimally work in and on your business you need to have a fresh mind, open space to think, health and wellness (think mind, body and spirit).

So your action item it to get out your calendar and choose right now when you will be taking time off and where you will go! Here is a hint: go somewhere where the cell service is spotty that way you can truly disengage. Take a few moments now and take this action step then pop on over to share with me where you are going at


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