Do you feel like you are in a rut?

Quote - Wayne DyerIn February I undertook a challenge; a blog challenge in that I would write every day. You may have read some of my blogs (if not, feel free to go to

What I discovered was that I loved writing every day and it was fun to post to my blog daily, receive and respond to comments, and interact with people. What I also discovered was that coming down to the end of the month, I was looking forward to it being over.

Kind of strange, right? I started out enjoying the challenge and finding something new that was fun to do, but after a while it was not as gratifying. It felt as if I got in a rut. Hmph. What is that about?

Well, I realized that while I love to write, there are other things I love to do, too. And because it took time out of my workday to blog, I had to let other things go by the wayside (to say ‘yes’ to one thing sometimes is to say ‘no’ to something else). Therefore, when the blog challenge came to an end, I had time open up in my day again to do the other things I missed doing.

Now, after thinking this over more I saw that the rut I got into was a routine I didn’t change up. Take exercise for example. Many of my readers know that I also am a group exercise instructor.  Some of you come to my group classes and know that I never do the same class twice. That’s because I like variety. I have a structure and a foundation, but I like to vary my actions.

Diversity is what keeps me motivated and energized. So if you feel you have gotten into a rut here are a few tips to get you going again:

  • Change up your routine. Instead of doing the same thing at the same time every day, reverse your activities.
  • Look for ways to do what you are doing differently. Using exercise as an example; if you regularly walk on the treadmill, try walking outdoors or use a different piece of equipment.
  • Switch your environment. If you work from home, go to the library or local coffee shop once in a while.
  • Set a revolving schedule. Every 10-15 days switch up your activities, where you work and what you are working on. You will keep your existing structure but instead of doing the same things at the same time and getting in a rut, you’ll be able to keep it fresh and new.

Often what happens is that our energy gets stagnant and flat. Changing things up is a great way to keep things light and airy and fresh.

Maybe you’ve noticed that this month my blogging schedule has changed; it’s how I can add a little bit of variety to the mix of things I love to do during my work day.

Your turn! I’d love to hear your thoughts on the matter, please post to my blog or email me personally at to share.

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