In this great big wonderful world of ours there is so much we can put our attention on.
We can take classes, work with mentors, read do-it-yourself books. We can follow influential people that inspire us but sometimes you just have to take a leap. That’s a leap of faith in yourself.
I am an avid sports fan. I have my favorites but one thing that is true in any sport is mental preparation. Also know as mindset. Recently I heard Holly Holm, who is an MMA fighter say that “The mental part is the hardest part. Take the chance, believe in yourself. If you don’t take the opportunities that come to you how do you expect to get somewhere? It’s hard to put yourself out there sometimes. It’s uncomfortable sometimes but I really just like to take the chance and believe in myself.”
I work with and know so many strong women who won’t put themselves out there because they are afraid. I won’t list all of the reasons but some are fear of failure, fear of success, fear of what others may say, fear of not being good enough.
And guess what? Yes, those may be true and they may not be true but how will you ever know if you don’t just take the chance?
I know from my own experiences that when I do put myself out there the results are amazing and I also know from my clients’ experiences as well as my friends’ experiences that they have experienced the same amazing and oftentimes unbelievable results just because they did take the chance.
Now it’s your turn. When have you taken the chance and discovered the yellow brick road was so much more than you even imagined? Comment here or feel free to write to me privately at I’m so looking forward to reading what you have to say!